NOW HIRING! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会


While the push to decarbonization is a universal one — we are all facing similar carbon neutrality deadlines — the skills and expertise you bring to the job site are unique to the industry or industries you serve. So, 你是否专注于采矿, 重型建筑, 道路建设或轻型建筑工程, 你需要一个最能满足你的需求和目标的净零战略. SMS设备可以帮助您制定该策略, 然后用大量可用的选择来承受它, 每一种设计都是为了满足特定的需要和要求. 其中包括:零排放的全电动设备, 在替代燃料技术方面的专业知识, 具有混合动力功能的设备可显著降低标准排放率, 提高现场效率的技术, and more.



这是人们认为永远不会发生的转变. 几乎从最初的概念开始, the switch from gasoline- or diesel-powered engines to electric power has been rife with predictions of failure. Yet, today, 认识到世界需要大大减少对化石燃料的依赖, almost every major auto and truck manufacturer either offers an electric vehicle (EV) or has plans to debut one soon. 

同样的前瞻性思维也延伸到了今天的设备制造商, 他们中的许多人已经在世界各地的工地看到了他们的电动汽车机器. 固有的清洁, quieter, cooler, 更有效率, 工地电气化, 比如对主流电动汽车的拥抱, 被看作是积极的变化吗. 这里是SMS, we’ve long recognized the critical role EV machines will play in the push to decarbonization. 为此目的, we’ve established strategic partnerships with many of the OEMs who are so integral in successfully bringing this massive change to your job site.

并不是所有的革命都是从爆炸开始的,有些革命是从简单的火花开始的. 让SMS设备帮助您踏上电气化之旅.


To meet the needs of customers who choose not to embrace full equipment electrification, 混合技术的使用是一种可行的替代方案. 在概念上类似于传统的混合动力乘用车, hybrid heavy equipment captures the kinetic energy generated from repetitive motion (the swing of an excavator or the breaking action of an asphalt compactor, 例如), 将其转换为车载电池充电. 其结果是减少了对专用设备充电基础设施的依赖, little to no loss of available power to the machine and a significant reduction in fuel usage, 最终导致更干净的操作. Alternative hybrid approaches include the use of two separate power sources — diesel and electric — in one machine. This allows for full electric operation when noise or fumes are a concern and diesel operation when they are not.

Working with major OEMs — some of whom have pioneered hybrid technology for heavy equipment — 全国最大的彩票平台 can determine if this innovative solution should be a key component in your carbon reduction strategy, 然后帮助实现更改. 

Contact 全国最大的彩票平台 today to see if your journey to decarbonization should start with a trip down the “Hy-Way.” 


Diesel, 曾经是矿井和工地的主要燃料来源, 正在慢慢被替代品取代吗. 在推动脱碳的推动下, both existing and emerging fuels are either poised to make an impact or are — as is the case with natural gas — already doing so. At SMS, 我们努力跟上不断变化的发展, 看看它们对我们客户的适用性, examine the breadth of variables that can impact each fuel’s degree of success on an operation, 并提供内部专业知识来实现这一切. 



全国最大的彩票平台, 我们随时准备帮助你, 我们的客户, 当你开始这个具有挑战性的, 但最终实现, journey. Working alongside a host of OEMs — many of whom are spearheading the effort toward net zero emissions goals through major product refinements — we have assembled a team of specialists, 每个人都致力于帮助确保你们顺利过渡到脱碳. In so doing, 完整的旅程, 通过了解存在什么解决方案, 哪个最适合你的工作, 到部署和实现, 变成积极的, 它需要是一种变革的体验.

脱碳 is a big step that needs to be taken — you shouldn’t have to take it alone.

不仅仅是另一个流行语或潮流肯定会过去, the push toward decarbonization is industry’s very real answer to climate change — an issue that threatens to change life as we know it. By moving away from energy systems that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, industry is committing to dramatic changes that will ultimately do more than simply meet a pre-set goal. 这将有助于确保子孙后代有一个适宜居住的环境, 同时使他们的组织更强大, 更有竞争力, 更有效率和, yes, 更好地管理地球.
矿井的电气化不再是一个白日梦——它是真实的,而且是可能的. 当你确定你准备好了,我们可以帮你插入.
考虑混合动力技术? 我们已经为你做了很多跑腿的工作. With hybrid products to meet your excavation (large and small) and asphalt compaction needs, SMS设备可以快速,轻松地让您在创新的门口. 

有哪些选择?? 哪些设备准备好了替代燃料? 如果有的话,存在什么限制呢?
Waiting for fuel costs to drop is not a tenable strategy — employing solutions that maximize fuel efficiency is. Fortunately, 这样做的选项, 从运输到土方等领域, 有很多并且一直在增长吗.



通过联盟框架, Komatsu’s GHG partners will work directly with Komatsu to actively collaborate on product planning, development, testing and deployment of the next generation of zero-emission mining equipment and infrastructure. The alliance’s initial target is advancing Komatsu’s power agnostic truck concept for a haulage vehicle that can run on a variety of power sources including diesel electric, electric, 电车(有线), 电池动力,甚至氢燃料电池.


千万不要错过最新的促销信息, 产品发布、服务提示和建筑新闻, forestry, mining, 以及道路和聚合主题.
